Hello Readers, Fellow Bloggers and Writers
Hi, I’m Kristin, a writer and blogger, probably a lot like you. I’m also an avid reader. We probably have a lot of the same pursuits in life.
I strive to be a good mother, a provider for my family, a wife. I do my best to raise three decent children into human beings who strive to lead a good life.
My hobby right now is writing and blogging, but I’d love to turn it into a more full-time thing. I love it, everything about creating worlds for my novels and helping others through my posts.
Another reason I want to do this is so that I can do what I love and make some money to help provide for my family while being able to spend more time with them.
Per FTC regulations, I would like to let you know I have affiliate links on my site and in my posts.
They provide me with a small percentage of commision but do not cost you anything to use.
Also, I wanted to let you know, when I gather your email address or other information from you I will keep it private. The last thing I want is spam so I know you don’t want it either.
I want to create a community of fans, bloggers, readers and the like here. I want it to be a trusting environment.
I won't spam you or sell your information. If you have any questions or issues please email me at kristin@kristinskipperauthor.com